Get a text-only classified ad of up to 30 words for just $20. Up to 70 additional words can be purchased for 50¢ each. Your classified ad will run online at and in print in LebCo Bulletin.

Pay with a credit card below. LebTown members receive a $10 discount if purchase is made while logged in. Classified ads must be submitted by Tuesday at noon, as LebCo Bulletin goes to press on Wednesdays. Classified ads are published in a LebTown article every Thursday and are shared in LebTown’s email newsletter (8,000+ readers) as well as LebTown’s Facebook page (14,000+ followers).

If you need more information about the Bulletin or want to discuss print advertising, reach the Bulletin at 717-820-4012. If you need more information about LebTown or want to discuss online advertising, reach LebTown at 717-260-3594. For technical support, please email

We reserve the right to reject any ads with a full refund.

Classifieds will be published weekly.